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Don't Break the Chain!

I AM BURSTING WITH ENERGY FROM THE VOLCANO OF THE CREATIVE GODS. Now that I have your attention, you shall have to keep reading. I've heard of a new method from the Game Grumps called "Don't Break the Chain", and if you haven't watched their stuff, go check them out because they're hilarious! I don't know how to put a link here so just look up "Game Grumps" on YouTube if you're interested in watching their stuff. So, "Don't Break the Chain" is basically when you get a calendar of some sort and you set a goal for yourself, for example my goal is to write everyday. Then, if you accomplish it that day, then you get to put a check on that day. It's been helpful even though I've only recently found this method.

Watching the video also made me inspired because the Grumps were saying that it's grueling to do something every single day of your life and sometimes you just wont want to do it. I thought I was just being myself and not anting to commit but it's a pretty normal thing so YAY!

Before I started this blog, I just finished reading the book "Grace's Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grownup" by Grace Helbig. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm OBSESSED with YouTubers. I'll probably be doing a review of the book soon (maybe even today), so stay tuned for that! Speaking of books, since school is right around the corner and I have A LOT to read for summer homework, I decided to make it fun and create a series of posts called "Required Reading Recap" where I critique the books that have been assigned to me so I could just rant and it would probably be funny. Maybe it'll help other kids out there who have to read the same book. Also, alliteration!

So today, I'm going to work on my book review, write so I can check a day off of the calendar, and listen to the audio book for one of the required books I have to read. Hopefully I can keep making blog posts when school starts, but I don't know. Junior year is really important and school usually sucks the creativity out of me, but hey! I have a little less than a month left LET'S GET CRAZY LET'S SET POTTED PLANTS ON FIRE! Actually, don't do that because I don't want to be responsible for house fires. Or any fires in general.


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