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Pushing On

Today is kicking my ass. Nothing is going right, and I wasn't even going to put up a post today, but I'm pushing myself. I can't just be moping around when there are stories to be written and check ins to do!

I haven't mentioned this on here, but I do have a story up on Wattpad and Quotev. I'm putting up one chapter a week, every Friday. It's a short story about a girl's reflection coming to life. I hope to make it into a full novel soon, so I'm hoping for some feedback on it. I'll put the links to my stuff on my blog somewhere so you can check them out!

UPDATE: The link to my Wattpad is in the social bar, so go check out my story, you! GO! GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

I would write more, but my computer is dying so I must leave now. Farewell!


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